More providing cacti exist, I heard somewhere.
With even larger capacities for love.
Is that true?
It's hard to know that any will be as good as you.
((You've tied the noose before the sentence was delivered.
What sliver of possibility could remain in such a game?))
Engage alternate ending!
I scrape the resin of judgment from my meninges.
Smear it upon the paper to examine its color more closely.
Swaddle, coddle even, the fear of the unknown,
with lovingkindness.
I gallantly parade my best wishes about the airwaves,
like effervescent experiments ViViD Exc!tement.
Like a christmas kid, who can hardly wait,
to greet her glistening gifts.
The ones I expect.
I can already trace their concealed shape in my imagination.
And the ones I'll never see coming.
Fated to careen me straight for a cartoon halo of ♥ 's and $'s.

shivers. love your use of fond and caps.