What am I actually experiencing?

I tab over to my live blog, setting my eyes on the blank page. I feel the sensation of a bag of stones and Styrofoam balls inside my stomach, shuffling around inside of a plastic lining. Every single experience or feeling that I have contained, repressed, stuffed inside me, and stored in my stomach, stirs restlessly inside the bag containing it. I feel each morsel, eager for expression, jump as if it wants to be vomited, in an energetic Pollock splatter onto the monitor. They sure are ready to come out.

P o l l o c k s p l a t t e r
My heart sees the blank page and relaxes back into its easy chair. It feels comforted with a sense of home, an intentional and specific location with boundaries, where it can express its voice. I feel a 2-way bridge, a thick beam of light, between the page and my chest. One glowing stream moves from the screen into my chest and the other radiant beam, stacked directly below it, flows in the opposite direction. I see the background white space reflected inside my heart, and I see the dark and swirling patterns of my heart (think 'satellite image of a hurricane in motion') superimposed upon the page, adding a layer of depth and contribution to this brand spanking new format.
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